FORMNEXT 2023 Frankfurt

Best Finishing will be present as an exhibitor at the FORMNEXT 2023 fair, from 07 to 10 November 2023 in Frankfurt in the exhibition center at Hall 12.0 stand A129.

Formnext – Where ideas take shape.

At Formnext, over 840 exhibitors and more than 30,000 visitors will meet from 7 – 10 November 2023 and transform Frankfurt am Main into the capital of Additive Manufacturing. This community is dedicated to the ever-growing adoption of AM in an industrial context.
In addition to additive production systems, users from all relevant application industries will also find technologies along the entire process chain at Formnext. Thus, alongside innovative 3D printers for industrial use, also the most suitable materials for their application, automation solutions, software that supports the design, planning or production process, as well as technologies for Post-Processing or even quality control are represented If you are looking for a partner for finishing treatments following 3D printing then you can contact us at This Link  

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